I want to understand


Sexual violence includes all forms of violence, physical or psychological, perpetrated against all people no matter their age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, social/economical class, education or profession.

Sexual violence comprises sexual assault, rape culture, cyberharassment, cyberviolence, sexual exploitation, sexual harassment and incest.

Sexual assault

Undesired sexual act imposed on someone. Here are just a few examples: kissing someone who does not want to be kissed, touching the body of someone who does not want to be touched, forcing someone to undress, having sex with someone who did not agree, or forcing someone to look at nude photos.

Rape culture

A Culture in which the dominant ideology of the society and its institutions, the images reflected in the media, on television, in movies and in music implicitly or explicitly tolerates sexual assault. In rape culture, sexual violence is minimized, in fact, it is normalized and the gravity of the perpetrator’s actions transformed into blame against the victim.


Technique aiming to track down one or more people using emails, text messages or with the aid of social media. The victim’s communications are surveilled, intercepted or even disrupted. In such cases, the person can feel a multitude of emotions including fear and anger.


Inadequate use of communication technologies such as the Internet, emails, various apps, text messages, etc. to spread sexually connoted messages, pictures or videos without the consent of people who receive them. These messages generally contain attempts to receive sexual favours or to engage in sexual activities.

Sexual exploitation

Having someone perform a sexual act in exchange for certain benefits, typically financial gain. Victims of sexual exploitation are often found in the prostitution network, participating in pornography, erotic dancing, or massages, as well as in escort services.

Sexual harassment

Repeated perpetration of undesired sexually connoted actions and words. It can spark fear and threaten the mental health and security of the person for whom these actions and words are destined. It also includes non-consensual communications such as face to face encounters, phone calls, emails, repetitive text messages, blackmail, indecent actions, or even spying.


Sexual activity with a family relative or a parental figure. Family relatives are the parents, the siblings, the grandparents, the uncle or the aunt, or a cousin. Parental figures are the stepparents, the half-brother or half-sister, or the person responsible for the foster home.


Your financial contribution to CPIVAS will make a difference in the life of a child suffering from incest, a parent who does not know how to help their child, an adolescent searching to have better attitudes in their intimate relationship, a teenager victim of collective rape…

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Pont Viau franchise
Laval, Québec, H7G 4Y2






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