Services for children

The disclosure of sexual abuse suffered by a child is an event that affects the whole family. We’re here to help the child resume their development and to guide parents in supporting their child and the family. 

We offer services to sexually abused children aged 3 to 13 and their parents. Follow-up is designed to help the child resume development, make a lasting recovery and achieve psychological balance. 

Weekly psychotherapy follow-up sessions for the child last 45 minutes, while monthly psychotherapy for the parents lasts 60 minutes.

Initially, 16 sessions are provided: 12 for the child and 4 for the parents. Depending on the child’s needs and progress, it may be advisable to adjust the duration of the follow-up.

The consent and participation of non-offending parents are essential — presence, protection, observation and communication—are required.

Collaboration between parents and the psychotherapist ensures the child receives adequate ongoing support.

Parents who so wish can also benefit from counselling (Services aux proches). They can also receive assistance in applying to the Direction de l’indemnisation des victimes d’actes criminels (IVAC). These services for parents can be offered throughout the child’s recovery, from the time of referral to the end of therapy.

Call us at 450-669-9053 or e-mail us at to access our services. A representative will contact you as soon as possible to complete a help request form.

*A report to the Director of Youth Protection (DYP) must have been made before requesting services.

Please note that our services are reserved for Laval residents. If you do not live in Laval, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the Sexual violence helpline (Info-Aide violence sexuelle) to find out about services available in your area: 1-888-933-9007

Contact Information

Phone: 450-669-9053


Mon - Fri from 8am to 5pm

+1 888-933-9007

Postal Address

Post office box 27543
Pont Viau franchise
Laval, Québec, H7G 4Y2






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