

Sexual Violence Helpline
1  888  933‑9007

Directeur des poursuites criminelles et pénales (DPCP)
Phone line that aims to inform victims of sexual violence who wish to press charges (free and confidential) : 1 877 547-DPCP/ 1 877 547-3727

Our services are for allies, witnesses and people who have suffered sexual violence. You may speak with an attorney for free and confidentially for any questions related to sexual violence.

1-855-JURIPOP / 1-855-587-4767 between 8am and 8pm Monday through Friday or by email to

Telephone (24/7): 1 800-361-5085
Chat (except between 10:30pm and 2am)

Direction Générale de l’Indemnisation des Victimes d’Actes Criminels aims to compensate and offer services to victims of criminal acts and their relatives.

1 800 363-9010 (24/7)
Email: (possible 24h delay of response)
Text messages: 438-601-1211 (between 2:30pm and 10pm, Monday through Friday)

Regroupement québécois des centres d’aide et de lutte contre les agressions à caractère sexuel (RQCALACS)
Montreal : 514-529-5252/ Outside Montreal : 1-877-717-5252

CAVAC Network

Crime Victims Assistance Centres (CAVAC) are found in every region of Québec. There are more than 185 gateways giving you access to their professional caseworkers.

1 866 532 2822

Lanaudière Region

CALACS Coup de cœur

The mission of CALACS Coup de cœur is as follows:

  • Help and support teenage girls and women aged 12 and over (high school students) who have experienced sexual assault;
  • Raise public awareness on the issue of sexual assault and inform the population about preventive measures;
  • Encourage discussion and communication with any local, provincial, or federal government or agencies to promote the interests of sexually assaulted women;
  • Participate in all other activities relating to women’s issues and the promotion of equal relations between men and women.

450 756-4999

CALACS La Chrysalide

CALACS La Chrysalide has expertise working with women who have been sexually assaulted; they can help both victims and those around them. Services cover the three MRCs of southern Lanaudière: L’Assomption, Les Moulins and southern Montcalm. The organization’s offices are located in Terrebonne.

450 964-7888


MITAS is an autonomous community organization incorporated in 1985. Their mission is to lessen the impact of sexual assault on underage victims by providing counselling and therapy services, prevention and awareness-raising services for perpetrators of sexual offences against anyone under the age of majority.

450 755-6755


CALACS L’Ancrage

CALACS L’Ancrage is an autonomous feminist community action organization that works to eradicate sexual violence in all its forms and to support the empowerment of teenagers and women who have experienced sexual assault, including sexual exploitation.

450 565-6231

CALACS L’Élan de Mont-Laurier

The organization offers help and support to women and teenagers who have been sexually assaulted. It plays a role in prevention, education, and awareness-raising. It participates in activities dealing with women’s issues, promoting fair and equal relationships and similar concerns.

819 623-2624

CALACS L’Élan de Sainte-Agathe

The organization offers help and support to women and teenagers who have been sexually assaulted. It plays a role in prevention, education and awareness-raising. It participates in activities dealing with women’s issues, promoting fair and equal relationships and similar concerns.

819 915-8484

Centre d’entraide et de traitement des agressions sexuelles (CETAS) Laurentides

The treatment of all our clients (victims, loved ones, and perpetrators of sexual offences) is essentially aimed at regaining control over their lives by modifying the thoughts and behaviours that maintain psychological distress or criminal behaviour.

450 431-6400


CALACS Châteauguay

The Centre d’aide et de lutte contre les agressions à caractère sexuel (CALACS) Châteauguay is an independent community organization:

  • Who works to denounce sexual violence and continues to work tirelessly to ensure adequate support for teenage girls (aged 12 and over) and women who have been sexually assaulted;
  • Who informs and educates the public about the need to act preventively in matters of sexual violence and to defend the rights of victims of sexual assault and of all women to live in a safe environment, respectful of their integrity and intimacy.


CIVAS Expression Libre du Richelieu

The organization offers free assistance, support, listening and accompaniment services to anyone aged 12 and over who is a victim of sexual assault, regardless of gender identity. Services are also available to loved ones.

450 348-4380

La Traversée – South shore

La Traversée is a non-profit organization that provides free psychological assessment and psychotherapy services to victims of sexual violence.

The organization has been working with women since 1984, with children and their families since 2004, and with all victims of sexual violence since 2022, without discrimination as to sex, gender, or age.

450 465-5263

(CAVAS) Richelieu-Yamaska and Sorel-Tracy

The Centre d’aide pour victimes d’agression sexuelle (CAVAS) Richelieu-Yamaska Sorel-Tracy is a community organization that has been in operation since 1996. Their mission is to provide help and support to victims of sexual assault (recent or past) and their loved ones. The target clientele is either male or female, aged 12 and

CIVAS Montérégie


La Maison de Lina is a home that provides help and lodging for women and their children who have been victims of domestic violence – Region of Laval
450 962-8085

La Maison de l’Esther is a home that provides help and lodging for women and their children who have been victims of domestic violence – Region of Laval
450 963-6161

La Maison le Prélude is a home that provides help and lodging for women and their children who have been victims of domestic violence – Region of Laval
450 682-3050

Shield of Athena – Family Services
The Shield of Athena is a non-profit organization for victims of family violence. We offer emergency shelter and professional services to women and their children. Our support, intervention and prevention services are culturally and linguistically adapted to meet the needs of many of Montreal’s major ethnocultural communities.
450 668-6584

Intervention Centre in Sexual Delinquency provides services to adults and adolescents of all gender identities, who may or may not have committed a sexual offence, and to people struggling with deviant fantasies without actually acting on them. The organization also offers services to people not under judicial control. Services are not available to people with intellectual disabilities or autism spectrum disorder.

Director of Youth Protection (DYP)
450 975-4000 or 1 888 975-4884 (toll free)

CAVAC in Laval

The CAVAC in Laval offers free primary care services to all victims of a criminal act or witnesses of a criminal act.

450 688 4581

Sphère santé sexuelle globale

offers its services to all Laval residents with a need linked to comprehensive sexual health. Comprehensive sexual health is a positive approach to sexuality that considers the individual as a whole, takes into account the influence of the various dimensions of their sexuality, and aims to achieve a state of physical, mental and social well-being.

450 669-3099


Contact Information

Phone: 450-669-9053


Mon - Fri from 8am to 5pm

+1 888-933-9007

Postal Address

Post office box 27543
Pont Viau franchise
Laval, Québec, H7G 4Y2






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