Services to organizations and partners
We firmly believe that concertation offers an efficacious and useful approach for solving problems, improving a situation, seizing opportunities, and planning for results. This approach creates synergy between organizations. The actions of all groups working together lead to superior results in comparison to the results achieved by the same actions but led by groups working separately.
In this vein, we are involved with various organizations in the Laval area and are enthusiastically participating in realizing multiple projects both locally and regionally.
- Cégep Montmorency
- Cégep régional de Lanaudière
- Comité régional entente multisectorielle
- Comité Régional École-Pivot
- Centre de services scolaires de Laval
- Corporation de développement communautaire de Laval – CDC Laval
- Marie-Vincent Foundation
- Préven-quête
- Projet Prévention Jeunesse (PPJ)
- Service de Police de Laval
- Table de concertation en violence conjugale et agressions à caractère sexuel de Laval
- Table de concertation de Laval en condition féminine (TCLCF)
- Tables Jeunesse du Marigot et Sainte-Rose
Do you wish to develop a project regarding victims of sexual violence?
Do you need to be trained or have advice regarding prevention of sexual violence? Do you need to have a clinical discussion with our team of psychotherapists?

Contact Information
Phone: 450-669-9053
Mon - Fri from 8am to 5pm
+1 888-933-9007
Postal Address
Post office box 27543
Pont Viau franchise
Laval, Québec, H7G 4Y2
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